Sunday, August 31, 2008


Last night, just before midnight I'd been thinking of how difficult 2007 had been. I've never been one for New Year resolutions and believing that at midnight your life begins anew, but I do believe in omens. You know, those symbols that present themselves to you almost like street signs telling you which path to take.

I received a TOMTOM for Christmas, one of those hand held GPS thingies that give you directions in an instant no matter where you are in the world. Unnerving that this little voice radiating from your dashboard can always find and direct you. At the push of a button she tells you where you want to go, how to get there, the quickest route, how to avoid traffic…

Kidding, one day I asked how to get to Easy Street, and although several actually popped up, I had to eventually choose which Easy Street I was looking for. No one button solution for what life throws at you. You still make the choices. Left or Right…Quick or Scenic…

The funny thing is…if you don't make a selection she makes one for you. I started driving and she began radiating from the dashboard, telling me to turn right in 200 yards. The only problem is that I was actually planning to turn left…I turn…she quickly recalculates to get me back on track, but I'm not listening. At every turn she calmly directs me to my path and at every turn I blindly take the same path I've always taken. I'm sometimes stuck like that…moving, but actually in the same spot.

I arrive and go to turn her off when finally I actually notice the bright green arrow pointing in the direction of Easy Street. I've driven several miles the wrong way, yet she's still showing me my path. I contemplated ditching work to see where it would lead me, and although at the time I did not; I did save the directions as one of my favorites…for that one button reminder to pay attention to the signs that are around you.

We all make choices, whether it be to let others make a decision for us or to choose for oneself. Sometimes your choices may seem like the direction you're looking to go in, but be mindful that you get what you deserve. If you choose right when the arrow points left then what lies at the end of Easy Street is exactly what you deserve, although it may not be pleasant.

Me? Well...just before midnight I remembered that voice that I had paid little attention to…Easy Street wasn't the direction I'd wanted to go anyway. I think I'll head towards Unexpected Road in Buena, N.J…Scenic route of course.

By the way, gas prices are a bitch these days so if anyone is looking for a ride I know the route. Only got room for one more though.

Here's an Online poll of the nation's wildest, weirdest and wackiest street names. Mitsubishi Motors sponsored the poll on the Web site back in Feb of 06.

10. Tater Peeler Road in Lebanon, Tenn.
9. The intersection of Count and Basie in Richmond, Va.
8. Shades of Death Road in Warren County, N.J.
7. Unexpected Road in Buena, N.J.
6. Bucket of Blood Street in Holbrook, Ariz.
5. The intersection of Clinton and Fidelity in Houston
4. The intersection of Lonesome and Hardup in Albany, Ga.
3. Farfrompoopen Road in Tennessee (the only road up to Constipation Ridge)
2. Divorce Court in Heather Highlands, Pa.
1. Psycho Path in Traverse City, Mich.

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